
People of all walks of life seek out the Feldenkrais Method® for its effective capacity to improve the quality of human movement. Movement being an expression of our outer & inner life makes the exploration of movement very interesting. By experiencing the interplay of movement, thoughts, sensations & feelings while doing carefully crafted & paced movements, we can learn to “move-think-sense-feel” with more ease, spontaneity, dignity & joy. 

The Feldenkrais Method® was created by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, an accomplished western scientist and pioneering martial artist endowed with extraordinary curiosity. He combined the best of western & eastern science to develop a method which uniquely cultivates & nurtures the human capacity to move-think-sense-feel. Here are some examples of the many possible benefits of the Feldenkrais Method®: 
  • Recover function after an injury 
  • Play a musical instrument more skillfully 
  • Hike more efficiently 
  • Garden more comfortably 
  • Play with your grandchildren on the floor 
  • Maintain your mobility to enjoy an active retirement 
  • Refine your yoga or martial arts practice 
  • Feel your emotions more fully & clearly 
  • Think more creatively 
  • Sense more acutely your life expression & connection 
  • Become self-confident 
  • Improve balance 
  • Breath more naturally 
The list truly goes on… 

The Feldenkrais Method® can be experienced in two parallel forms: Functional Integration (personalized, hands-on guided learning) & Awareness Through Movement (verbally guided learning). Both forms are gentle & challenging, relaxing & enlivening, engaging & liberating. 

Awareness Through Movement®: With guidance from a practitioner, you engage yourself in carefully crafted movement explorations. In a collaborative atmosphere you can rest, rejuvenate and challenge yourself with the degree of focus that is right for you on that particular day. You will develop specific & general movement skills as well as personal insight, and improved mental & emotional functioning. This results in diverse wellness benefits for body and mind. 

Functional Integration®: This is a hands-on form of collaborative discovery through movement. The Feldenkrais practitioner uses communicative touch to discover how the student organizes his/her body and hints, through gentle touch and movement, how to move in a more efficient & expanded way. Functional Integration shares the same guiding principles & potential benefits as Awareness Through Movement, but in a more personalized context.