About Us

Israel Sostrin MSPT, CMT, GCFP 

Israel is a licensed physical therapist and a certified Feldenkrais Practitioner®. He is currently studying Spacial Dynamics with Jaimen McMillen who founded a unique approach to developing movement skill.

Israel's work supports people in need of injury rehabilitation, performance enhancement & relief from chronic strain / pain. He utilizes a gentle and insightful form of movement re-education to enable people to move with greater ease, self-confidence & balance. His treatment approach is distinctive, educational and highly personalized. People of all ages come to him for individual sessions, weekly classes, and extended workshops.

Whether you want to resolve back pain, take up a musical instrument or hike down the Grand Canyon you are sure to find movement skills & insights to support you for the rest of your life. Discover Wholeness in Motion today, and develop quality movement that lasts a lifetime.